2016/12/23 Akira's paper published!
The paper by Akira Iwase was published on Plant cell. Use the following link to read the full-paper! WIND1 promotes shoot regeneration through transcriptional activation of ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 in Arabidopsis
2016/12/9 Christmas party!
We had an annual Christmas party. Two Santa Clauses came to the party! Everybady enjoyed presents from Santa?
2016/12/3 Anna's paper published!
The paper by Anna Franciosini was published on Current Opinion in Plant Biology Use the following link to read the full-paper! Molecular networks orchestrating plant cell growth
2016/12/2 Poster award
Akira Iwase wonthe Cold Spring Harbor Asia conferencePoster Award! Congtatulations!
2016/11/22 Visitting of Devoto
Dr. Devoto visited our laboratory.
 Dr Devoto's Japan-UK collaboration wins Bridge Awardrepair in Arabidopsis
2016/10/14 New member!
David and Sander have joined the CFR team. David is a Postdoctoral Researcher from the USA Sander is an internship student from the Netherlands
2016/10/5 Farewell party
We held a farewell party for Anna Franciosini Did you enjoy Japanese life? I will go to Italy to meet you in the future.
2016/8/9 Farewell party
We held a farewell party for Hirofumi Harashima Thanks a lot, and good luck!!!!!!!!
2016/8/5 Hiro's paper published!
The paper by Hirofumi Harashima was published on The EMBO Journal Use the following link to read the full-paper! The plant‐specific CDKB1‐CYCB1 complex mediates homologous recombination repair in Arabidopsis
2016/5/30 Poster award
Michitaro Shibata won the poster award in UC Davis Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congtatulations!

2016/4/1 Keiko Sugimoto has become a professer.
Keiko Sugimoto has become an adjunct professer at University of Tokyo 東大HP Welcome to our Lab! 大学院入試説明会
2016/4/1 New member!
Tetsuya has joined CFR team. He is student at Tokyo University of Science.

2016/3/29 Farewell and Welcome party
2016/2/6 New member!
Alice Lambolez has joined CFR team. She stays CFR team until June.
2016/2/12 Hiro's paper published!
The paper by Hirofumi Harashima was published on PLOS Genetics Use the following link to read the full-paper! TDM1 Regulation Determines the Number of Meiotic Divisions
2015/1/19-21 Ski trip
We went for a ski trip with the lab members. It was so fun!!!
2016/1/19 Hiro's paper published!
The paper by Hirofumi Harashima was published on Current Opinion in Plant Biology Use the following link to read the full-paper! Integration of developmental and environmental signals into cell proliferation and differentiation through RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED 1.
2015/12/17 Newspaper!
Hiro's work was picked up by the newspaper "Fuji Sankei Business i". Fuji Sankei Business i 20151217.pdf
2015/12/16 Christmas party!
We had an annual Christmas party. Three Santa Claus came on the party!
2015/11/10 Hiro's paper was published!
The paper by Hirofumi Harashima was published on the Plant Cell! Use the following link to read the full-paper! Functional Conservation in the SIAMESE-RELATED Family of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors in Land Plants
2015/11/1 Anna's paper was published!
The paper by Anna Franciosini was published on Molecular Plant! The COP9 SIGNALOSOME Is Required for Postembryonic Meristem Maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana
2015/10/26 A review paper was published!
The review paper by Momoko Ikeuchi and Akira Iwase was published on Current Opinion in Plant Science! Control of plant cell differentiation by histone modification and DNA methylation
2015/9/08 BSJ Award
Momoko Ikeuchi won the BSJ (Botanical Society of Japan) Young Botanist Prize! Congtatulations!
2015/7/12 Lab visitor
NSF officer visited our lablatory to see Natalie's project.
2015/7/12 Cabbage marathon
Lab members joined "Cabbage marathon" which was held in Tsumagoi Gunma!

2015/7/03 A paper was accepted!
The paper from CFR team was accepted in the Nature Plants. http://www.nature.com/articles/nplants201589

2015/6/15 New member!
Natalie Clark has joined CFR team. She stays CFR team until August using JSPS program.

2015/5/18 New member!
Mieko Ito has joined CFR team. She works as a part-timer.

2015/5/01 New member!
Lewis Watt has joined CFR team. He works as a technical staff till his PhD. course will be started.

2015/3/30 Farewell & Hanami party
We held a farewell party for Yatomi-san. Thanks a lot, and good luck!!!!!!!!
2015/2/20-22 Ski trip
We went for a ski trip with the lab members. It was so fun!!!

2015/2/12 New member!
Mikako Kobayashi from Univ. of Tokyo has joined CFR team. She works as a part-timer during spring vacation.

2015/2/6 Visiting of the president of RIKEN
Ryoji Noyori, the president of RIKEN, visited our laboratory.
2015/1/5 New member!
A new member is coming, Ciera Martinez from UC Davis. She will stay 4 months by plant biology program.